Monday, April 27, 2009

More Confessions...Chapter 24. HOLD THAT THOUGHT BABY...HOW BIG?!

The past few chapters have been a tad hectic...interesting, but hectic. This one, however, touches on a lighter side of my travels.

I've always been an athletic guy and have relished every opportunity on my travels to try a new sport or to push the adrenaline button. Having said that, I never learned to surf. Despite living on the Ocean and having many friends who were surfers, I spent next to no time on a board. The reason why I avoided the teaming-with-life Indian Ocean and the joys of surfing might not be what you expect.


Monday, April 20, 2009

More Confessions...Chapter 23. B to C (Part 2)

I thought the bus accident was bad...getting stranded with dead bodies while all of your worldly possessions driving off into the night is even worse...Could my journey from Malawi to South Africa become any more disastrous?

I hoped not...

Chapter 23. B to C (Part 2)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

More Confessions...Chapter 23. B to C (Part 1)

If you thought that my journey to Malawi was an adventure, then the voyage back to South Africa will truly blow your mind. The hurdles and challenges that I faced during this torturous, unfathomable and tragic journey were, without question, the most difficult that I had come across on my travels.

However, the struggles and predicaments also provided me with a taste of the power of positive thinking and how this simple mindset can help overcome even the most improbable circumstances.

Chapter 23. B to C (Part 1)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

More Confessions...Chapter 22. FINDING MALAWI

The harder it is to reach a destination, the more rewarding that destination ultimately becomes...

My journey to a tiny, remote Malawian village certainly provided many unique and challenging hurdles to overcome, slaughter and, in some cases, wash off...

Despite the copious amounts of "space chicken", the adventure was an experience that will never be forgotten.