Monday, February 9, 2009

More Confessions...Chapter 15. A TRANSKEI BUY

Although Chintsa was my South African 'home', there existed a remote village nestled along the lush, pristine and stunning Transkei coastline that ultimately became my South African 'refuge'.

Mpande, a very special and very powerful part of the World, exposed me to a simpler way of life... a way of life containing ideals and principles that we in the 'West' have regrettably forgotten.

Chapter 15. A TRANSKEI BUY

1 comment:

Dan said...

Where is the Queens discussion tonight? Queens is a huge place to show up to and search for a panel discussion!

I called the English Dep't and nobody knows anything there.

Anyhow, I emailed you already. You can reach me by commenting at

Dan Sturgis