Sunday, December 28, 2008

More Confessions...Chapter 9. ACTUALLY, THE FLOOR WASN'T THAT BAD

My dubious arrival in Tenerife included dealing with heroin addicts, sleeping in caves and living in brothels...Needless to say, this was quite and eye-opening section of my travels which helped shed some of my naivety.


Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Dec. 30, 08 - SKUNK MAGAZINE - One of Canada's premier ganja magazines has its say about 'Through Travel and Error'. My first magazine article! The review can be found in their 4.8 edition, which hits the stands December 30th.


ONLINE RADIO INTERVIEW with the Unstoppable Frankie Picasso

Jan. 06, 09 - Online Radio interview with the UNSTOPPABLE FRANKIE PICASSO - Motivational coach Frankie Picasso will sit down with me for an hour to discuss my book, what it took to leave home, what kept me going and why I think we all have the power to find happiness.

NOTE: The interview will be streamed live on the Internet. The four corners of the planet will have a chance to poke me with thoughts and questions...awesome. Of course, should you miss the live airing, the show can be downloaded at any time thereafter.

Broadcast location: BLOG TALK RADIO (BTR)

Time: 8:00 PM EST

Interview Download: Institute for Quantum Living and Conscious Design

Sunday, December 21, 2008

More Confessions...Chapter 8. GET A JOB

Anyone who travels for an extended period of time will inevitably have to deal with the fact that they have spent all of their money and will have to find work. My financial predicament hit me much earlier than I anticipated and finding employment proved to be a bit more difficult than I had hoped.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

More Confessions...Chapter 7. A YANKEE MOMENT

Yes, the Americans are, more often than not, the butt of most people's jokes, their reputation around the planet isn't the greatest and, generally speaking, the Yanks are quite clueless about the ways of the world...However, Canadians also come from that North American bubble and we too can be quite daft about the World.