Tuesday, December 23, 2008

ONLINE RADIO INTERVIEW with the Unstoppable Frankie Picasso

Jan. 06, 09 - Online Radio interview with the UNSTOPPABLE FRANKIE PICASSO - Motivational coach Frankie Picasso will sit down with me for an hour to discuss my book, what it took to leave home, what kept me going and why I think we all have the power to find happiness.

NOTE: The interview will be streamed live on the Internet. The four corners of the planet will have a chance to poke me with thoughts and questions...awesome. Of course, should you miss the live airing, the show can be downloaded at any time thereafter.

Broadcast location: BLOG TALK RADIO (BTR) http://www.blogtalkradio.com/missionunstoppable

Time: 8:00 PM EST

Interview Download: Institute for Quantum Living and Conscious Design http://www.instituteforquantumliving.com/through-travel-and-error-confessions-of-an-asylum-seeking-canadian/

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